Real-Time Manuscript Writing

One of the missions of Indonesian Danone Institute Indonesia is to develop and disseminate scientific knowledge on health and nutrition to the benefit of public health. If we take a deep look at overall scientific endeavor in Indonesia, one significant weakness is scientific writing and publication in international peer-reviewed journals. A supportive scientific environment is utterly needed for the local scientists to prepare a qualified research report according to the standard of a peer-review journal.

1st Real-Time Manuscript Workshop

1st Real-time Manuscript Writing
The Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation, with its scientific partners, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition and HEC Press Publisher conducted “The 1st Real-time Manuscript Writing Workshop”. The workshop was held on Friday - Saturday, December 9th - 10th 2016 at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 20 participants from varied academic and research institutions.

2nd Real-Time Manuscript Workshop

Based on very good participants' responses to the 1st Real-time Manuscript Writing Workshop in December 2016, the 2nd Workshop was arranged by IDIF on May 4th ‐ 6th, 2017 in Padang, West Sumatra. Direct tutorials for all participants were made available by the IDIF scientific members and APJCN (Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition) team.
2nd Real-time Manuscript Writing

3rd Real-Time Manuscript Workshop

3rd Real-time Manuscript Writing

Considering the achievements of the objective and purpose of the previous workshop as indicated by its final outcome and impact, the Foundation has conducted the 3rd workshop on August 20th ‐ 21st, 2018 in Bandung, West Java. The Foundation focused on Maternal contributors to intergenerational nutrition, health, and well‐being: revisiting the Tanjungsari Cohort Study for effective policy and action in Indonesia. This study has a good reputation and has inspired the Government of Indonesia in evidence-based policy formulation. Therefore, the Foundation supported this cohort study to be better known and its research findings can be used for the policy or further researches.